Friday, January 4, 2008

Looking for spring

I know, I know! It's only 4th day of January but while most of you can expect some kind of easing of the weather within couple of months, I'd like you to remember that last year it snowed on May 24th! AND it stayed on the ground for more than one day. I have pictures to prove it!. Tonight we're expecting 2 inches more overnight. It's a good thing that I rather like winter. It covers a multitude of sins - dirt, WEEDS, trash; it keeps everything crisp without the oppressive heat and humidity; and, in our case, it lasts for most of the year. Gives a body a chance to stay put and reflect on life's little outburst of BS.
The latest is the Iowa caucus. I know! I'm Canadian and what the heck has that to do with me? But it does! When we elect our prime minister pretty much nobody in the world has to worry about it but when
the US elects its president - we're all affected even if we have no say in who's in power. Oh, well, we'll see what happens in the next 11 months.
In the meantime a picture of May 24 with an ins
et of May 25, 2007.

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