Thursday, December 20, 2007

'Twas four nights before Christmas

Beginning to run out of steam. Apart from being sick, can't take the crowds in the stores anymore. All of the gifts and most of the food are bought, and whatever isn't - oh, well. The cards are mailed, albeit a tad late. Just need to bake a couple of things - thank goodness this family isn't big on baked goods. Actually, I should have said some members of this family aren't big on baked goods. One member, and he shall remain nameless, is but we don't indulge him with calorie and carb laden confections. Which reminds me - the thing I'll bake tomorrow is so simple and effective that I need to write it down here - buy Pillsbury chocolate chip cookies, cut into uniform chunks, sprinkle with red and/or green sugar, bake until golden and voilĂ  - Christmas cookies. :-) How about that? Of course you need to do that while your family is out, or no one will be suitably impressed.
We have lots of snow. Now, that was a pointless thing to say. Of course we have snow. We're only some 750 miles south of the Arctic Circle! But the point is that it's snowing right now and will be overnight and most of tomorrow. Enough already. Shovelling it is not as easy as it used to be. Or nearly as much fun.
How do you end a blog? Do you just stop and post? Do you say goodbye? TTFN!
P.S. Just checked the Weather Network - evidently we are having snow grains. What the heck does that mean? We've had snow showers (how is that even possible?) and now grains.

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