Sunday, December 28, 2008

waiting for 2009

It's been a while since I managed to post anything of any importance here, and today is no different. 2008 has been a crummy year, not so much for us personally, but for many friends. Not to mention the world, as most economies are in a meltdown mode.
It's always with renewed hope that we approach a new year and not too long ago we were equally excited about 2008. What a crock! Of course it was a great year for a certain Senator from Illinois. Even though Mr. Obama is not our president he managed to imbue the world with excitement and energy and we can't help but look forward that maybe this time the world will become a better place. Hey, don't laugh, it is Christmas time after all, and we're all supposed to wish for a better world.
We're once again deep into winter, and considering that it only started a week ago today it seems to have gone on forever. And it's been, or appears to have been, colder than usual.
I'm going to try to get here more often. After all it's reasonable to suppose that I have a thought or two each day, and maybe some of them are worth writing down. Especially in view of the fact that they come and vanish forever quickly, and this might be a way of remembering some of them.
We had a nice, peaceful Christmas TJ, Elizabeth and I, with three dogs and two cats who are not overly fond of each other, but seem to have survived this week of togetherness quite well. So far.

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